Treating Sensitive Teeth with Cosmetic Dentistry 

by Laura Jeeves

Tooth sensitivity is a common dental issue. It is described as a sharp pain in one or multiple teeth when encountering a certain stimulus. Foods that are especially sweet or acidic can irritate this condition, as well as hot or cold beverages. Brushing or flossing can be painful in areas that are especially sensitive and, overall, it can be a rather discomforting experience for many people who have to live with the issue on a daily basis.

Diagnosing Sensitive Teeth

If you regularly feel this kind of discomfort in your teeth, it’s possible that you suffer from sensitivity. The treatment varies, depending on the causes, which is why it’s vital to consult with a cosmetic dentist. NYC has a good range of professionals who can determine the causes and offer excellent treatment options.


Tooth sensitivity is a result of the erosion of the enamel which covers the teeth above the gums and acts as a protective layer for them. When you consume hot and cold food or beverages, brush forcefully, or eat and drink items that are acidic (such as alcohol, citrus fruits and their juices, refined sugars and coffee), it can cause serious damage to the enamel and lead to erosion. This erosion results in sensitivity in the surface of the teeth as well as exposure of the “dentin” in the roots. (Dentin is a less dense layer and can cause pain when stripped away due to the exposed nerves.)

Preventative Measures and Solutions

Some of the preventative measures for hypersensitivity include lifestyle changes, such as avoiding the aforementioned foods and drinks, and regularly following an excellent oral hygiene regimen. This includes proper brushing and flossing, and using fluoride toothpastes or mouthwashes which can strengthen the enamel and prevent erosion. (Toothpastes marketed as “desensitizing” are specifically for this purpose.) Fluoride treatments can also be sought out from a cosmetic dentist. NYC-based professionals may be able to treat the causes of hypersensitivity with a quick appointment.

If someone is prone to grinding their teeth or clenching them, this can also lead to enamel and dentin wear, which is why some patients opt for a mouth guard when offered.

Other Treatments

Your dentist may also recommend dental bonding or a sealant to go over the exposed enamel or dentin. This prevents further erosion with an added layer of protection. However, if the nerve inside the tooth is damaged or exposed to the point where the patient is in debilitating pain and struggles on a daily basis, root canal therapy may be the best option. Removing the damaged tissue can significantly ease pain and hypersensitivity.

Veneers are also an option for chronic hypersensitivity as they can act as a barrier to cover enamel or dentin, hiding the exposed nerves from wear. It’s crucial to note, however, that veneers are a cosmetic treatment rather than a permanent solution, as they provide some relief, like a sealant. The underlying sensitivity will still be present and the cause of it will be left untreated with this option.

There are many different routes to treating and preventing sensitivity and it’s important to manage your expectations of the desired results – not everyone has the same extent of discomfort or the same treatment plan. As with any dental procedure, you need to ensure you choose the right cosmetic dentist. NYC residents are fortunate in having some of the best in the country, who are trained and ready to give you that smile you’ve always been dreaming about. Make sure to do your research on both the treatment and the dentist before making any decisions.
