Most Common Unexpected Dental Emergencies 

by Laura Jeeves

Whilst regular dental appointments and good maintenance of teeth reduces the risk of dental emergencies, there are some occasions when they are inevitable. If and when this occurs, it’s important you contact an emergency dentist. In Manhattan, there are many dentists who are well experienced in these moments of crisis and can sort a treatment plan for you as soon as possible.

Although you may not be a victim of regular tooth troubles, it’s good to know what some of the most common emergencies are, in order to identify them before contacting an emergency dentist in Manhattan. A good dentist will reassure you and be able to put you at ease throughout the treatment.

Severe toothache

If you feel pain in any of your teeth, it’s vital that you don’t brush it off (no pun intended!), as it can mean there is tooth decay, exposed nerves or other problems. Although it may seem like common sense to take a painkiller, this can actually affect the tissue; it’s best to apply a cold compress and call your preferred emergency dentist in Manhattan to schedule a check-up.

Knocked out or damaged tooth

The most sensible way to prevent cracked teeth is to avoid sharp and hard foods, but it can happen to anyone. If there is bleeding, apply a piece of gauze to it, and a cold compress to the cheek can alleviate pain and swelling while you seek dental care.


An abscess is a lump or spot of pus in the gums. These can be quite serious, so it’s important to know the symptoms: severe pain in the teeth and gums, sensitivity, internal and external redness, a swollen face or jaw, and a high temperature are all signs of an abscess. If you feel you have one, rinse your mouth gently and apply a cold compress or ice to the cheek before seeking an emergency dentist – it’s vital that you act quickly as abscesses don’t go away on their own.

Cracked tooth

A cracked tooth can also be very painful, especially if there is bleeding or exposed nerves that are causing discomfort. Apply a cold compress or ice and seek dental care as soon as you can.

Soft tissue injury

Soft tissue refers to the tongue, gums, cheek and lips; injuries to these areas can cause bleeding and immense pain. If this occurs, rinse the mouth with a mild salt-water solution, apply pressure to the wound with gauze or a tea bag, and call your dentist’s office immediately if the bleeding and pain continues.

Lost crown or filling

Crowns and fillings repair cracked or damaged teeth, and if they fall out they can cause irritation and discomfort to the exposed teeth. If left too long, these exposed teeth can be at risk of infection, so ensure you book an appointment immediately to get them looked at. A sugarless piece of gum can be stuck to the space where the crown or filling was for a quick fix. You can also bring the crown or restoration with you to the dentist to have it looked at and potentially re-fixed.

Whilst the probability of these problems occurring is not high, it’s important to be aware of the potential risks and take steps to avoid dental emergencies. If one does occur, however, for New York residents, seeking the help of an emergency dentist in Manhattan who can resolve your issue quickly and safely is imperative. And of course, you should always follow a good oral health routine to minimize risks and ensure your teeth stay healthier for longer.
