Online Video Marketing Tips For Profits

Every online marketing business should be undertaking or at least considering online video marketing as part of their overall strategy to raise their profile and attract targeted traffic. The acceptance of video as a means for seeking information is gathering pace at a fast rate and this has made the likes of YouTube a major search facility option for half of internet searchers.

As there are a huge number of people searching for information on YouTube, it is then a great opportunity for an information marketer to create short videos containing some of the very information that is being searched for. The opportunity then arises to take the searcher over to your own website where more useful content should be on offer plus the chance for them to enter their email contact details.

Now it is time to reveal the seven secrets for online video marketing that you should be considering undertaking? The first thing to remember is to ensure that the video’s length is kept shot. You just want to pique the viewer’s interest with some helpful information and to leave them wanting more. Short videos of two to three minutes are ideal, but if longer just make sure you don’t exceed ten minutes for one video. The major purpose of the video is to direct the viewer to take the action you want and get them over to your website and for them to enter their email details.

The next secret for online video marketing success is to choose one topic, even better if it is based around one keyword, and don’t stray from it. That keeps the content of the video focused and benefits search engine optimisation. Fourthly, if there is a lot to say then perhaps create a series of videos, each centred around one point as mentioned previously. The next secret involves a clever marketing ploy where if you are creating a series of videos, perhaps after the first two or three make the viewer have to sign up to your email list to access the other videos in the series. Once this is achieved you will then be in the valuable position of knowing you have captured a prospect who has expressed an interest in the subject matter.

The last but one secret is to make sure that each video is property optimized for the search engines with the most important factor being that the subject keyword forms part of the video’s title. Also, don’t forget to include variations of the keyword in the meta tags. Finally, make sure you place your website’s address at the beginning of the video’s description and ensure that it is clickable. When the viewer watches the video, the link will be in full view resulting in a much higher probability that it will be clicked on than if it were at the end of the description which is hidden from view unless the “more” arrow is clicked.

Undertaking online video marketing is not as difficult as you may think due to the advancement of and ease of using modern video cameras and the increase in the recording of videos using mobile phones. The majority of videos posted on the likes of YouTube are done by amateurs for fun and therefore have not been created with a purpose in mind, so an info marketer with just a little knowledge of online video marketing should be able to dominate the keyword searches for the niche in question.

Online video marketing is becoming incredibly important as a means to reach prospects and to be a successful info marketer you need to start doing it now. To find out more in depth information about how to plan, film, edit, upload and market online video, Online Video Champ shows you how and the first five online videos are free!. More details at online video marketing

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